Home 6 Reasons Why Leg Veins Pop Out?

6 Reasons Why Leg Veins Pop Out?

What Causes Your Veins to Pop Out?

Bulging veins can happen for a variety of reasons, both benign and serious. Sometimes it is as minor as exertion after exercise. When you exercise, your veins expand to increase your blood flow and regulate your body temperature. This is a healthy, temporary response. Abnormal veins, on the other hand, are chronic and progressive due to an underlying condition such as venous insufficiency.

Normal Vein Flow

Your veins must work against the force of gravity as they move your blood from the bottom of your legs back to your heart. For this task, our veins contain tiny valves that help prevent the backflow of blood.

Valve Dysfunction

If the valves weaken, blood flow is impaired, and blood falls to the bottom of your legs with gravity. The pressure inside your leg veins increases and leads to spider veins and varicose veins popping out from your legs.

6 Reasons Your Leg Veins Pop Out

  • Varicose veins – Vаrісоѕе vеіnѕ, аlѕо is known as “vаrісоѕіtіеѕ,” are еnlаrgеd and unhealthy veins that usually arise due to high pressure in veins slightly deeper within the leg. They may be large or twisted and may bulge from under the skin. You’ll find that they can be red or purple in color. Varicose veins can appear anywhere on the body; however, they are most commonly found on the legs.
  • Venous Insufficiency – Inside the superficial veins in the legs are a series of valves that are essentially one-way doors that prevent blood from falling back down towards the feet. If the valves stop working properly, blood leaks downwards, and the veins below the valves become full of excess blood. The increased pressure in these veins can lead to spider veins and varicose veins over time.
  • Phlebitis – Inflammation of a vein. When caused by a superficial blood clot, it is called thrombophlebitis, which is sensed as warm, painful lumps or redness.
  • Age – As we age, our veins and valves weaken and are more likely to form varicose veins.
  • Pregnancy - During pregnancy, the blood flow to the legs and feet can decrease from the pressure on the pelvis causing varicose veins.
  • Temperature Regulation - Our veins help cool our bodies with dilation. For this reason, during exercise or warm weather, it is common to see more prominent veins.

When Are Bulging Leg Veins Normal?

Usually, bulging leg veins are no reason to worry. The most common reasons are not serious and can be resolved on their own or with some minor adjustments.

You can expect veins to naturally bulge under the following circumstances:

  • Thin body frames
  • Normal Aging
  • Temperature Regulation
  • Increased activity during and after exercise

Although bulging veins can be prominent in these conditions, they are not likely to be dangerous or cause symptoms. Pregnancy veins and those seen after exercise will often improve on their own. Your vein specialist should be made aware if you are experiencing:

  • Pain
  • Discomfort
  • Heaviness in the legs
  • Tenderness on palpable veins
  • Leg swelling
  • Skin discoloration or eczema