7 Things Your Doctor Hasn’t Told You About Spider Veins

Home Blog 7 Things Your Doctor Hasn’t Told You About Spider Veins

Have you noticed thin clusters of purple or blue veins on your legs that resemble the shape of “spider webs”?

Has seeing them manifest in tiny groups made you panic?

Many people have spider veins, pesky lines that appear on the legs or ankles.

The good news is it’s never too early to get your legs summer ready. In most instances, spider veins can be successfully treated with visual sclerotherapy, a minimally invasive procedure that uses an injectable sclerosant to dissolve the veins.

If you are tired of looking at your spider veins, or have experimented with home remedies that didn’t work, it is time for spider vein treatment.

Here’s seven things your doctor hasn’t told you about spider veins.

1: Wear sunscreen to prevent spider veins.

Excessive sun exposure or even skin trauma can cause spider veins. Too much sun causes collagen to break down, bringing spider veins to the surface. Varicose veins, larger ropy-looking veins, on the other hand, are not caused by the sun, but can worsen from the heat.

2: Avoid wearing high heeled shoes.

Wearing high heels can contribute to vein disease. Less blood is pushed out of your legs when the calf muscles do not contract, increasing venous pressure and stressing the valves in your veins. Your best bet is to grab a pair of flats for your daily activities and leave the high heeled shoes for special events and meetings. After taking off your heels, elevate your legs to restore the blood circulation in the area.

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